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My Services

Melt away limiting beliefs and doubts, calm your nervous system tf down, gain clarity & Business EXPANSION through Quantum Illumination Reiki™️, Spiritual Mentoring, Oracle Readings & More.

Quantum Illumination Reiki™️

Completely personalized Quantum Illumination Reiki™️ session with a full energetic alignment to help you feel clear and refreshed. 

Exclusive NEW healing modality that YOU will get to experience.


Working with life force energy and the quantum field, this incredibly POWERFUL style of reiki heals at not just a physical level but also heals deep, working to a subconscious, DNA and cellular level vibrating at 5D+ frequencies.  This means we're able to get to the root of the issues, traumas, anxieties and so much more.

The purpose of a Reiki session is to clear and balance the chakras, heal and release triggers, traumas and anything low vibration that's not serving your highest and best good.. Imbalanced chakras can manifest issues emotionally, spiritually, as well as physically. 


As the creator and channel of Quantum Illumination Reiki™️ and a diversely trained Reiki Master, Christian has been getting results with this style since June 2021, healing people across the world.

30 minute and 60 minute sessions available.

The Activated Healer

For the Healer who knows she's made for MORE.

You’ve walked through the flames, now it’s time to rise above it all stepping into the Soul Remembrance of who you are and what it is you're here to do - while OWNING IT

This is for you if

  • You have a healing business supporting clients with your spiritual abilities and you're ready to unlock your soul codes with gifts that are specific to you so you can help your clients heal on deeper levels while staying on your soul's path. 

  • You've done the inner child healing and deep shadow work and yet there's a blindspot with another layer coming up ready to be stripped away. You're ready to move beyond the matrix, doing more of the 5d healing and work.

  • You know your ascension is here.  You can feel it, taste it, touch it. It's time to tap more into your soul and higher self but you're unsure how to fully unlock and access it.

  • There's power in the cyclical nature of being a woman and you KNOW it, you're ready to lean tf into it and learn how to cultivate the clarity and magick  that comes through by fully understanding each part of your cycle to tap even more into your power, creativity, intuition and higher level soul gifts.

  • You're ready to scale your healing business and you know that the way isn't through the masculine hustle but rather through the feminine intuition and creativity and it's time to understand how to operate from that energy so you can stay in alignment with your soul's work and mission.


Click the button below to apply for The Activated Healer

6 month 1:1 Coaching for Healers


1:1 RRT Coaching Intensive

Intensive to dive into the energetics, mindset and soul of your spiritual path (or biz) that includes Rapid Resolution Therapy (RRT) perspective, my highly intuitive abilities & activation to support your next steps & goals.


This is for you if:

⚡️Needing mindset or energetic support to clear fears, limiting beliefs and current blocks in biz & life


✨you have been experiencing blocks, pressure, fears, unhelpful thought patterns & emotions & are ready to clear them


🚀you're ready to pivot and you're feeling confused on how to or where to even begin


🔥desiring support for grounding ideas and bringing them to life so you can get them out into the world with fun, flow, play & ease


👑 you're ready to take aligned action steps and start living out your soul mission at the level you're desiring to be so you can make the impact AND the income on the scale you know you're here to do

Oracle Card Readings

Needing clarity and guidance?  This is for you. 

Using Oracle Cards and my Intuitive & Psychic abilities, I help you with answers to your innermost questions. These questions are generally prophetic in nature and provide a glimpse or outlook into the future.  


Please know that you are welcome to come with questions you want guidance for during the oracle card reading. That said, your angels, guides and loved ones already know what they want to give you guidance on. What you need to know will come up during our reading and that will be the best reading.


Come with an open mind and heart, ready to receive. 

Image by Neal E. Johnson

Mind Body And Soul Subscription

Monthly Spiritual Package for the Soul to keep you uplifted, inspired and balanced.  

Spend 60 minutes a month with Christian to rejuvenate your soul.  

The 60 minutes can be used for Quantum Illumination Reiki™️, Oracle Card Readings or any combination of 2 services at a subscription discount from the regular prices and can be used any time during the month.

This membership will help you stay emotionally and spiritually balanced at a 10% - 37% discount from regular priced services!​​

Online Programs

It's time to step into the Soul Remembrance of who you are and what you came here to do as a Healer in this lifetime in your MF'N POWER. 


You can find programs on healing, clearing and releasing limiting beliefs, witch wounds, imposter syndrome, fears & self sabotage that have been keeping you playing small and teetering in & out of the Healer closet.  

You are going to be able to fully trust yourself and your spiritual abilities. Showing up online & in person unapologetically sharing your reiki, mediumship, psychic and tarot gifts KNOWING they're making an impact.

There's literally nothing on the internet like this out there, with my Grounded Spiritual Approach: The Quadfecta Method because you're a high vibrating soul having a human experience.  We will be using Energetics Mastery, Subconscious Programming, Energy Healing (Quantum Illumination Reiki™️) and Spiritual Gifts + Tools.

Typing on a Laptop

VIP Day for Soulpreneurs

Elevate your Soulful Business & Life with Clarity and Direction

Soulful Business Strategy Mindset & Subconscious Reprogramming, Energetics Mastery, Activation

3 hour VIP day to dive into what's aligned for you including:


  • Business Clarity & Soulful Strategy Mapping

  • Messaging clarity

  • IG bio clean up

  • Checking on current services & pricing for alignment

  • Includes subconscious reprogramming, mindset and energetics

  • Support with pivoting successfully


The VIP Day will be recorded so you can go back over our session and you will also receive any notes taken to review.


I also include: 


Private messaging support for 2 weeks for integration, questions, soulful strategy support and mindset shifting

Are you ready to Elevate your Soulful Biz and Life so you can start living out your soul mission with more clarity, direction, flow and peace? 

This is for you if you are a more seasoned soulpreneur and you're ready to take your business to the next level or if you're a new entrepreneur and you're serious about taking aligned action to expand your business.

DM Christian the words VIP Day by clicking the pink button below!


Intuitive & Psychic Reading Bundle

What you need to know about your healing business or personal healing journey right now (tailored to you) so you can​ gain clarity, guidance, direction and step more into your sovereignty.

These are 20 minute (pre-recorded) readings where I will use my psychic, intuitive abilities alongside Oracle Cards to relay to you what you need to know about your healing business or personal healing journey right now (tailored to you) so you can tap in and step more into your power.

  • This includes intuitive and psychic guidance as I connect to your spirit guides to learn what it is that you need to know right now as pertains to your healing business or personal healing journey. 

  • This comes to me through visuals, audible words/phrases/sentences, feelings and experiences.  

PLUS my 2 best selling classes to support you in stepping in your power, owning who you are and what you're here to do AND get your gifts out into the world

️🔥Magnetic AF Content Workshop
️🔥Healing the Witch Wound Masterclass


This is PERFECT if you want to see the power and magic of channelled gifts, activation and clarity combined from an intuitive and psychic business coach.

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