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4 Biggest Mistakes Healers Make, stopping them from making the impact they desire

Updated: Apr 18, 2023

How do I know this to be true? 👀 . I’ve been there myself!🙊 I'm going to share more on HOW exactly I know this (fun fact - last fall I threw gasoline AND a match on my healing biz and completely pivoted...more on that to come 👀) Yesterday I went live on my IG (I LOVEEEE hanging out with you! If you're not following me, let's connect! @xo_christianjones) and cover this topic in detail of the 4 biggest mistakes along with some tips to how you can shift this. Click HERE to watch on IG.

For YEARS I was in a business that I was losing passion around. 👉I KNEW there was something more and I needed to spice 🌶 things up🔥 I plummeted into my spiritual awakening and it all became SO CRYSTAL CLEAR🔮 {{Except I was scared as FUCK!}} The witch wound is REAL and soul deep. 👉I had to do inner work myself and give myself permission to step out of the woo woo closet and into my personal power. When I shifted, fully let go of what wasn’t meant to be and stepped into my power as a healer? 🔥I realized that I was living a HUGE piece of my soul purpose. As far as business goes? 👉This ain’t my first rodeo 😘 🔥I’ve been an entrepreneur for YEARS. 🔥I am a spiritual entrepreneur by trade and I also have a bachelors degree in marketing 🔥I watched my dad walk away from his job when I was a jr in HS and build a business from the ground up (it's clearly in my blood💁‍♀️🔥) Is this you? 👉You’re a healer who is ready to launch (or re-launch) your business in a way that feels good and bring in consistent clients 👉You want to get your healing business off the ground but you're spinning your wheels when it comes to verbalizing your gifts/services in a way that makes sense to your soulmate client. 👉You know deep down you are playing it small and it's time to step up 👉You feel very confused by all the marketing tactics out there, not available for burnout or hustle but the leaned back "feminine energy" of 'let the Universe bring it to me' energy alone isn't brining in the clients or money you desire. 👉You know deep down you’re here to big things but you’re still hiding in the witchy, woo woo closet Are you ready to... 💃Be abundantly paid for your gifts 💃Have clarity around the foundational basics of launching or re-launching your biz so you can lean into divine feminine AND divine masculine energy 💃Have consistent paying clients so you can finally live your life more in alignment with your soul 💃Create aligned services and offers that light you the fuck up 💃Launch your biz with ease online so you create more time freedom

Grab my FREE Guide: 5 Tips on Launching (or re-launching) your healing business with ease here

Are you ready now?? Action takers are my kinda souls (because…same!).This month I am looking for 10 healers who are ready to launch or relaunch their business so they can book their first or next 10 clients with EASE. Learn

DM me: 'Launch My Healing Biz' on Instagram by clicking here!

Or learn more about Launch Your Healing Business Academy here.


Sending you BIG flowy vibes!


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