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Your {free} guide is on its way to your inbox now!
Please read this entire page before you go! [There’s an option for you to hyperspeed your launch results!]

Healing the Witch Wound Upgrade Bundle
Are you ready to Heal the Witch Wound of Imposter Syndrome?
This is for you if you are a healer {or hidden healer} and you are ready to stop second guessing your gifts & abilities, questioning what people are thinking or saying so you can OWN you gifts and magic with this bundle you cannot find anywhere else🔥
You're going to become an unstoppable and unshakeable Healer with full trust and knowingness of your worth and personal strength.
ONE TIME OFFER! 76% off Healing the Witch Wound Upgrade Bundle!
Only $11.11
In this Upgrade Bundle, you'll receive immediate access to videos and audios where I'll teach you:
What exactly is Imposter Syndrome and how it shows up in your life and healing business.
Feeling confident and able to speak powerfully about your gifts and abilities without hesitation or fear of judgement
Show up fully, unapologetically, authentically in your business so you can attract YOUR soulmate clients - this is the secret to success that no one talks about
Shift the BS limiting beliefs and regulate your nervous system so you can show up in your power and open your capacity to receive
PLUS bonuses you cannot find anywhere else:
Dive right into the root of what is currently holding you back in a FUN, light and extremely fast way you've probably never experienced before
Unconscious level breakthroughs and shifts through video AND private audio feed access so you can listen on the go from a private podcast link any time.
Lifetime of the Bundle available at your fingertips so you can tap back in ANYTIME!
Ready to Heal the Witch Wound NOW?
I LOVE your excitement! Fast action takers who trust their intuitive nudges and signs are my kind of souls ;)
I’ve got an incredible Melt Away Imposter Syndrome masterclass for healers {or hidden healers} who want to heal the Witch/Healer wounds so they can OWN their gifts and magic and become an unstoppable and unshakeable Healer with full trust and knowingness of their worth and personal strength.
You will also:
No longer even be able to access the feelings that were keeping you stuck which means No more hiding away from your gifts, the price or shying away from socials.
Clear the energetics and patterns showing up in your life so you can finally step off the hamster wheel and be EMPOWERED.
Say peace the fuck out to imposter syndrome and stand in the knowingness of your truest potential & sovereignty.
Healer, I know that you have POWERFUL AF gifts and abilities.
I KNOW that you are here on a soul mission.
I know that you have big goals and desires.
It's time for you to get those gifts out into the world so you can FINALLY make the impact and income that your soul is craving.
If you’re ready to do this, simply click the pink button below and get signed up for only $11.11 and be prepared to have your lift shift in freeing ways you didn't even realize were possible before.

Meet your Coach
Hey! I'm Christian Jones. I'm a Spiritual Business Coach for Healers, Intuitive, starseed and a Reiki Master.
As the Healer's Healer, it's my mission to help healers, lightworkers and spiritual entrepreneurs to strengthen their gifts, transcend their business and help their clients expand further.
I like to walk the talk:
Helped over 100 women heal through combination of Reiki and coaching
Taught 50+ students Reiki all over the world in an internationally accredited certification program.
Strengthen my own gifts and abilities through healing work
Continued to raise my consciousness through healing myself
Bachelors of Science in Marketing with a Social Media Marketing emphasis
Been mentored and healed by incredible healers and mentors across the world so you can benefit too
I'd love to vibe with you! Connect with me on IG!
Thank you for everything. But most of all, for helping me become a better version of myself so I can help others
When I was asked about my prices, I had a HUGE freak out moment. I have played with some ideas, but hadn’t really set anything in my mind...ended up slowing down and really think about my worth. I set my prices where I felt comfortable and put it out there. My clients accepted my pricing and we ran with it.
I just got a referral client!!! I am so stoked, my first ever client has apparently been talking me up
I continue to book 1:1 clients and easily launched my group reiki session even while buying a house, tending to my 3 young kid’s needs and moving off the Army post into our new home!
Digging into my niche or soul mate client has been actually fun (I feel like I am naming the next marvel comic character lol)
Thank you!!! You've been so helpful in helping me to get strategic about all of this. I really appreciate you!
-Elizabeth B
I am celebrating today!!! I had 2 client sessions this morning and wasn’t really sure I was ready until they fell into my lap
Christian is such a FUN teacher. She makes things easy to understand and is very supportive